Making existing and emerging food nutrition security data and tools findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable: FNS-Cloud real-world challenge

21 June 2021, 13.00 - 17.00 CEST, SYMPOSIUM

Existing food nutrition security data, knowledge, and tools for agri-food sciences are fragmented, lack critical mass, and access is unevenly distributed. This means FNS data are not readily found, accessible, interoperable, or reusable (FAIR), and existing services focus on clinical, molecular, and biological sciences. FNS-Cloud is developing the first-generation ‘food cloud’ by federating existing and emerging datasets and developing and integrating services to support re-use through the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

This symposium will introduce FNS-Cloud and explore some of the first outputs, focusing on existing (use cases) and emerging (field trials) data. More specifically, based on existing datasets, the use cases are developing a traceability and metrology search engine and food labelling data and reformulation tools. Based on emerging datasets, or where there are gaps in our knowledge, FNS-Cloud is creating novel dietary intake and behaviour tools and an alert classification system for food-diet-drug interactions as well as engaging in a study that will define diets supporting a healthy microbiome using a no-contact Covid-safe protocol with volunteers, demonstrating how FNS research continues even during a pandemic.

In the final presentation, the scientific coordinator will explore how FNS-Cloud plans to launch three demonstrators and advance existing ICT tools and service, facilitating better research and exploitation of knowledge as well as delivering training and support to boost confidence and build capacity amongst user communities to improve the sustainability of European food systems and further enhance existing strengths in FNS research.

13:00-13:15 Welcome and introduction to FNS-Cloud

Siân Astley, EuroFIR (BE)

13:15-13:50 Generating a search engine for food products: Olive oil, milk, and fish

Claudia Zoani, ENEA (IT)

13:50-14:25 Food labelling: Crowd sourcing information for research

Maša Hribar, NUTRIS (SI)

14:25-14:50 Online dietary assessment tools: Examples and knowledge arising from them 1

Eileen Gibney and Laura Bardon, UCD (IE)


Break 14:50-15:00


15:00-15:25 Online dietary assessment tools: Examples and knowledge arising from them 2

Faustina Hwang and Michelle Weech, UoR (UK)

15:25-15:55 Microbiome Study: Covid-19-safe protocols for dietary intervention studies

Maria Traka, QIB (UK)

15:55-16:30 Food and drug interaction: Understanding of bioactive compounds in foods

Enrique Carrillo, IMDEA (ES)

16:30-17:00 FNS-Cloud Next Steps: Demonstrators for FNS researchers

Paul Finglas, QIB (UK)

* All times include an opportunity for Q&As

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