21 June 2021 online


Global START-UP Event regards training on innovation and sustainability

organized by the ERSAMUS+ Knowledge Alliance projects

ASKFOOD ( and SDGs Labs (

Participation is FREE, but online registration is mandatory

10:00-13:00 CEST: SESSION I: Start-up settings regards innovation and sustainability

The session will focus on trends in the entrepreneurial approaches and start-up settings regards innovation and sustainability. After presentations on contents related to the workshop by each project selected start-ups will introduce their activities, challenges and highlight training needs.



Moderator: James Marcus Gunn

10:00 Welcome (Giorgia Sabbatini, Hannah M. Frost, Gerhard Schleining)

10:10 Introduction of the ASKFOOD project (Paola Pittia)

10:20 Introduction of the SDGs Labs project (Hannah M. Frost)

10:30 Trends for start-ups (Germana Di Falco)

10:45 Presentations of start-ups (James Marcus Gunn)

10:50 To Good To Go (Eugenio Sapora)

11:05  BELLA DENTRO (Luca Bolognesi)

11:20 Q&A

11:35 break

11:45 FARMNOW (Alexander Juranek)

12:00 AWORLD (Alessandro Armillotta)

12:15 Q&A

12:30 Conclusion (Germana Di Falco)

 12:45 Lunch break


14:00-16:30 CEST: SESSION II: Entrepreneurship training methodologies

The session will focus on pros and cons of different entrepreneurship training methodologies and approaches like incubator, reversed incubator, “garage labs”. Presentations of the three different approaches and cases will be followed by a round table discussion.



Moderator: Paola Pittia, Julian Drausinger

14:00 Introduction (Paola Pittia)

     Entrepreneurship Training Methodologies: Concept and experiences:

14:10 Incubator (Germana Di Falco

          Case Mashcream

14:35 Reversed Incubator (Marco Faieta)

14:50 Case FoodTechAccelerator (Matteo Demartini)

15:05 The Garage (Alfons Felice)

15:30 break

15:40 Roundtable discussion (Moderated by Julian Drausinger)

16:20 Conclusion (Paola Pittia)

Contributors in alphabetical order