Conference Programme
Oral presentation duration: 10 minutes + 5 minutes for discussions.
The number of slides for the oral presentation is up to each presenter but the presentation must be within 10 minutes.
For short oral presentations authors have 5 minutes for the presentation +5 minutes for discussions.
We do not collect the slides for the oral presentations or short oral presentations.
The entire conference will be on Zoom. Each presenter will share the screen from their own computer to give their presentation.
We do not record the conference.
For any problems concerning the e-conference programme please contact e-conference@iseki-food.net
The platform used for the ISEKI E-conference 2023 is Zoom. You must be sure to have the latest Zoom version, which you can download or update from https://zoom.us/download and you need to access the conference via the Zoom app not via the web browser.
All participants will receive a separate invitation from the system and need to be logged in.
Download the Book of Abstracts.
Posters and forum for each poster will be available to all participants in a virtual Poster Room (breakout rooms in Zoom), where you can discuss with the author. You will receive the link to the Poster Room in due time.