Recent scientific and policy developments on plastic food packaging
Open courseware on responsible food packaging – FitNESS 2.0 platform

Date & Time:
4 July 2023
10:00 - 12:00
Registration fee:
For no other packaging material type are changes happening faster than for plastics. The European Union introduced a restriction on single-use plastic items and revised its plastics recycling regulation, individual countries are passing additional requirements, and negotiations for a new UN plastics treaty with potentially very wide-ranging impacts have started. Scientific research to ensure the safety of new and recycled packaging materials has also advanced. Join us for a round table that will put these developments into perspective and share how the free training materials being developed by the FitNESS 2.0 project will help packaging current and future practitioners stay on top of the changes.
Contact person:
Gemma Cornuau (
Agenda (draft):
- Welcome coffee and snacks (with FitNESS presentation video on a screen at the same time)
- Introduction to the FitNESS 2.0 project (Gemma Cornuau, ACTIA)
- Global policy initiatives on plastics: EU single-use plastics directive and the UN plastics treaty (Joan-Marc Simon, Zero Waste Europe)
- Safety Issues for New and recycled Packaging Materials (Olivier Vitrac, AgroParisTech/INRAE)
- Presentation of the FitNESS platform (Olivier Vitrac, AgroParisTech/INRAE)
- Round table with the speakers: Olivier Vitrac, Joan-Marc Simon, Mai Nguyen (LNE)
More information:
On the registration page, select "Pre-Conference Workshop ONLY (free)" and after you successfully log in to your conference account, select "Participate in workshops and widen your knowledge". If you wish to also register for the conference, select the respective registration fee and after you successfully log in to your conference account, select "Participate in workshops and widen your knowledge".