We are happy to announce the upcoming 6th edition of the ISEKI E-conferences!
“Food production based on food safety,
sustainable development and circular economy"
which will take place ONLINE from the 22nd of November to the 24th of November 2023.
The e-conference will be supported by the ISEKI-Food Association and will be organized in collaboration with the University Lucian Blaga, Sibiu, Romania, as the main organizer, the University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" from Timisoara, Romania, as co-organizer and the ISEKI Special Interest Group (SIG) “Food Structure and Bionanotechnology”.
The e-conference will include both oral presentations and posters dedicated to topics regarding:
- New methods of processing raw materials, waste and by-products in food production
- Bioprocessing and bio-refining for the conversion of food waste and by-products into value-added foods
- Development of new foods and food packaging innovation
- Development of sustainable business models in the food sector
- Sustainable ecodesign for food
- Food safety & Risk assessment
- Consumer perception and market needs
- Health and Nutrition
A special section for students will be organized.
All students are welcome (PhD, MSc and BSc students)!
The organizers wish to encourage the students’ participation and will organize a separate section where students can present their research work. The best three student oral presentations as well as the best three student posters will be awarded. The awards will be supported by ISEKI-Food Association and the conference sponsors.
We look forward to meeting you in November!
The Organizing Committee